Pack of Lies


Written by Hugh Whitemore and directed by Andrew Brooke, this is a play set in the early 1960s about MI5 keeping tabs on a pair of spies and is based on a true story.

It is very well written and is a must-see!

Cast List

  • Bob Jackson: Howard Cronshaw
  • Barbara Jackson: Morag Cronshaw
  • Julie Jackson: Laura Westmore
  • Helen Kroger: Lee Lavington
  • Peter Kroger: Ryan Moss
  • Stewart: Nigel Flynn
  • Thelma: Kathleen Bridger
  • Sally: Jan Sadler


Performances are held at the Herbert Shiner School Petworth on 15th, 16th & 17th April commencing at 7.30pm.

Tickets can be purchased at the Baytree Bakery Petworth. £8.00 for Adults and £6.00 for Over 60s and Children.

Numbers are strictly limited so book early to avoid disappointment!

For more information email

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